Tutor info - Course Details, Dates & Prices

Geoff Kersey

Living and working in the Peak District, it’s no surprise that many of Geoff’s atmospheric paintings feature the diverse and beautiful landscape of the region, with its meandering rivers, steep dales and valleys, farms and villages.

Geoff's traditional style of painting aims to capture the essence of the subject. Loose enough to be atmospheric, yet containing just enough detail to be both accurate and satisfying on closer more detailed inspection, his intuitive use of colour in bold flowing washes, is underpinned by his firm grasp of perspective and draughtsmanship, complemented by a strong sense of place.

Geoff has written articles for The Artist and Illustrator, and Paint Magazines. His first book was published in summer 2004 Details are available on this website. Geoff has created a number of DVD’s, one entitled ”Improving your skies in watercolour” plus 2 further titles and accompanying course notes entitled ‘Creating Depth and Distance in your Paintings’.


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2013 Course Details

Geoff is a visiting Artist to Derbyshire Arts at Pear Tree Farm and runs his painting courses independantely. Course can be booked directly through Geoff.

Onsite accommodation can still be booked for the duration of these courses at Pear Tree Farm. Please phone us on 01629 534215 to make arrangements.

Geoff is now booking for 2013

28th Feburary 2013: Workshops

1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th March 2013: Workshops

23-26th April 2013 (3 nights)

6-9th August 2013 (3 nights)

23rd,24th, 25th September: Workshops

8th, 9th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 28th, 29th October: Workshops

Geoff's painting workshops at this ideal location are designed to give you a thorough and intense grounding in the methods & techniques which he uses to create his atmospheric paintings. Most aspects of this fascinating medium will be covered in the spacious garden studio set within the extensive grounds.

www.geoffkersey.co.uk or info@geoffkersey.co.uk or 01629 735191

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